+86-755-82111366 info@leadershipinc.com.cn

Activities 2018 – 2019:

A Women’s Reading Group was established with the support of the Shenzhen Women’s Federation to arrange and guide a weekly book study program and women leadership training. Programs have included “WeTalk” program to encourage female entrepreneurship and social enterprise.

A Book study program and Youth Development Program (Life Planing, Music, Writing and Doodling approaches to draw youth’s attention on city development created for various District Communist Youth Leagues in Shenzhen.

The Chief Secretary of Jiangsu Province visited the “Participatory Community Development” practice community – Jinkou Community, Zhenjiang City.  He was gaven a high recommendation on “PCD” and asked to promote “PCD” concepts and approaches to other cities in Jiangsu Province

We facilitated a Rapid Participatory Fundraising Planning program at ICA India Environmental Education Center in Pune.  This program introduced fundraising and relationship building approaches for NGOs.

We facilitated “Inter Don Bosco School Teachers Animation: Innovation in the Classroom” program for 80 teachers from three Don Bosco Schools in Kolkata in Nov 2019.  This program involved developing relationships and sharing practices between participating schools.

We received the IAF Facilitation Impact Award for work with Salesian College, Darjeeling, India on Faculty Orientation, Strategic Planning and NAAC Accreditation Meeting.

FORTE (Faculty Orientation in Research and Teaching Excellence) at Salesian College, Darjeeling in December 2018 and sponsored by AIACHE (All Indian Association of Christian Higher Education). Provided skills training in basic ToP facilitation methods and Open Space Technology.

Introduced and help coordinate Loren Weybright to provide Salesian College, Darjeeling with training in reflective teaching processes. This involved two rounds in Fall 2018 and Spring 2019.

Several student dialogue sessions were arranged by the HK American Centre and Civic Exchange on issues relating to Open Space, Jane Jacobs and the urban environment.

Continued involvement in the crisis and disaster recovery facilitation through the GFSC Global Facilitators Serving Communities.  This has involved several training programs and online introduction programs.

  • Participated in the ICA Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Kuala Lumpar on Sep 2019
  • Participated in the IAF Conference in Milan, Italy on May 2019.
  • Participated in the IAF Conference in Kuala Lumpur on Sep 2019
  • Participated in the IAF China Conference in Guangzhou on Nov 2019
  • Participated in the IAF India Conference in New Delhi on Nov 2019

Mark Pixley           mjpixley@gmail.com